Documentaire Vergeetmenietjes / Forgetmenots
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Een liefdevolle documentaire over vijf bewoners van Nieuw Chartreuse in Utrecht. De bewoners hebben hun hele leven in Utrecht gewoond.
Allen hebben zij de ziekte Alzheimer in verschillende stadia. Met trots vertellen zij over hun leven.
In the small, closed care home Nieuw Chartreuse in the Utrecht neighborhood of Ondiep, 18 elderly people live. They all have Alzheimer’s disease at different stages. Their stories and memories are lost, sometimes fragments from the past come back. Their life continues in the protected environment of the home. In this short document it is emphatically about showing the residents in their value and as a person. Show moments in their lives and hear what they are proud of.
Director Pauline Wijnen Camera Editor Mick van der Waag Fotografie Marc Scheepers Tekst Inge van der Waag
Color grade Gianni Grott Sound design Elmar Peters